Purpose can be overrated. It's up to you to decide.

Mar 05, 2024

#purpose is overrated unless it disrupts the boundaries of your limitations, and champions real transformation for others - My 2 cents.

Over the weekend, I got into two thought provoking conversations about purpose. Now, both conversations didn't happen in the same setting nor on the same day. However, both times, the same question popped up.

What are the practicalities of building a #purposedriven business/brand?

I know that the concept of an overarching life purpose is either mildly or wildly confusing for quite a number of people when it comes to ways in which it can be seamlessly woven into our daily lives, at work, in business, in building a brand, etcetera.

Yet in thinking about it, its essence doesn't seem far fetched. Why? Because we can literally feel the effects of any slight alignment or misalignment to our calling.

We might not understand it at first but after a while, we start to catch onto it - Life placing a demand on the gifts and potentials that lie within us - waiting for full expression.

Here's what I believe - the most important thing in life is to embrace finding your purpose and intentionally living it up. Anything else leads to premium frustration eventually.

It's common experience that we sometimes get plunged into an existential crisis — feeling hopeless and drowning in guilt, fear, and anxiety knowing we are living dangerously below our potential. Right here is where the onus falls on us to do the intentional work required to lean into our genius for the service of others.

So back to the question. How to build a #purposedriven business/brand?

To answer this question, you do need to first understand what on earth you're here for.

Start by asking these questions:

➡️What significant events or turning points in my life have shaped who I am today?
Reflect on key moments that have had a lasting impact on your character and values.

➡️In what moments have I felt most alive or in alignment with who I am?
Recall instances when you felt a deep sense of authenticity or resonance with who you really are.

➡️What skill sets have emerged from overcoming challenges in my life?
Identify the skills and strengths that have developed as a result of facing and overcoming obstacles.

➡️What interests or hobbies have been constants in my life?
Explore the hobbies or interests that have consistently brought you joy.

➡️How can my unique life story, experience or skill set be a source of inspiration or guidance for others?
Contemplate the ways in which your personal story can serve as a source of inspiration or support for others on their journeys.

These are simple questions that you might be tempted to breeze past, but the answers take real work on a mental and spiritual level. It's the zone where you are nothing but brutally honest - with yourself.

When you have the answers, you have the foundation on which to begin building an authentic #brand or #business. I'll share the "how" in upcoming posts.